New top story from Time: Why COVID-19’s Death Toll Will Climb Long After the Pandemic Is Over

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If you were anything like my family over the July 4 holiday, there were bowls of potato salad, casseroles of baked beans and platters of hotdogs, hamburgers and chicken all pulled from the grill and served family-style. For a lot of us, it was the first time seeing a wide net of our family in more than a year and we took advantage of ditching the masks, probably wrongly assuming our circles were vaccinated at higher levels than they were and maybe even handing kids lighters for sparklers they shouldn’t be wielding.
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Our increasing return to normal makes it easy to believe the pandemic is almost over. Sure, we still had to wear masks on the flights, trains and buses. Grocery markets and big-box stores in some communities still asked that we wear them, too. The staff at Nationals Park here in D.C. and Progressive Field in Cleveland wore theirs as I visited both for MLB games. But the worst of the pandemic feels behind us here in the U.S., as vaccinations are climbing, deaths and new cases are sinking and headlines seem to be shifting to more run-of-the-mill topics like tropical storms.

A new and unusually long report from Congress’ independent think-tank is a stark warning to the U.S. government that even COVID-19 seems over, it actually isn’t, particularly when it comes to Americans’ well being. Released on Friday, the wonks at the Congressional Research Service (CRS) urged officials going into the long holiday weekend to remember amid the celebrations that we still don’t know the final toll of the pandemic, especially when it comes to long-term consequences for behavioral and mental health. Its notes about substance-abuse challenges are particularly worrying, given that lawmakers cannot ignore the already troubling fight against opioids.

Anecdotally, we know the last 18-or-so-months have taken a toll on our friends, colleagues and neighbors. Those of us lucky enough to have been allowed to work from home adapted in fits and starts. My colleagues with children or dependents were stretched to the points of breaking, but most have made it to the other side. Those in complete isolation actually came to look forward to Zoom meetings and telemedicine appointments. And tech-slow people like my grandmother probably wouldn’t have made it through without the good folks at the local public library loading her loans into the trunk through a touch-free lending system.

But you cannot make public policy on anecdotes alone, which is why the CRS report offers a roadmap for lawmakers. Noting upfront that the data is still coming in and comparisons so quickly after—and during, really—a so-recent period are imprecise, there are still warning signs that America has not healed the way we’d like to believe. The share of Americans suffering simultaneously from depression and anxiety grew five-fold, year-over-year, in just the first three-months of the pandemic-mandated lockdown, from April to June 2020, when the death toll still hovered around 120,000. Fatal overdoses grew 11% between March and May last year, and non-fatal overdoses rose 19% during that same short window. In the three months that followed, there were almost equal levels of depression or anxiety among households that had lost jobs and those that had not. No one was spared, but the hit came hardest for less-educated, essential and lower-paid workers.

Why is this Washington’s problem? An estimated 10% to 20% of Americans who needed mental-health services during the pandemic received no treatment. Another survey cited in the report estimates that up to a quarter of adults with depression or anxiety went untreated. As many as 27,000 Americans who survived COVID-19 may end up dead over the next decade as a result of behavioral health-related challenges, and that number may ultimately reach more than 154,000. At the moment, federal law does not require mental health services to be treated on par with treatments for physical health. Not Medicare. Not CHIP. Not even fancy private insurance plans.

There were, believe it or not, a few upsides to the COVID-19 pandemic that the CRS report notes. Under emergency powers granted in one of the relief bills, the Department of Health and Human Services waived the in-person requirement for some treatments, including mental health and substance abuse counseling. For now doctors can be paid for that phone call consultation rather than requiring patients to make a brick-and-mortar visit to qualify for Medicare and Medicaid money. The Department of Veterans Affairs allowed taxpayer dollars to help with mental health services via tech platforms, too. In all, billions of dollars were included in the raft of COVID-19 stimulus plans to shore up mental health and substance abuse programs.

But those were the bright spots. Not all of Washington’s urgent changes were for the better. The Drug Enforcement Agency allowed doctors to prescribe medicine without a physical appointment, Health and Human Services’ civil rights unit turned a lot of blind eyes to patients’ privacy rights as public health data seemed ubiquitous, and the Small Business Administration shoved piles of cash out the door to health clinics and larger rafts of money to hospitals with minimal upfront scrutiny.

So as Washington turns slowly toward the post-pandemic policies of this country, lawmakers have plenty to consider, especially if it wants to return America to its Before Times footing. As much as it may feel like the United States is rounding a corner—and it’s tough not to when you see big crowds gathering maskless for fireworks and parades—the reality is this: there’s still a lot of trauma under the surface that is all too easy to miss unless D.C. is looking for it.

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